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Pholiota communis amongst the Lomandra

Pholiota communis amongst the Lomandra

Regular price $150.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $150.00 AUD
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This basket is another special one she is a blend of old work blended with my new.
A complimentary combination of loose open weave from twining strips of lomandra and tight dense coil weave with onion skin dyed raffia. 
It's such a beautiful little basket. The Lomandra base of this basket sat around for quiet awhile. my idea was to make a carry bag but I was still really learning on spacings and the material so it never eventuated further then this. 
While living in Tasmania I really got into coil weaving and using tight stitches, I found this to be a beautiful way to revamp some of my baskets I have put aside, combined with these beautiful mushrooms inspired by the Pholiota communis which are found to grow in little groups amongst leaf litter. The colours just seemed to fit beautifully.

Size: 180mm base, 60mm high (mushrooms not included in measurements)
Mushroom 50mm from top of basket

Material: Lomandra, Onion skin and gum tree tannin dyed Raffia

I recommend not leaving them sitting in full sunshine, if treated with love and respect this basket will last a lifetime. 

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